![]() Also known as: Wampfler, born 10 Nov 1616 Zwischenfluh, Canton, Bern, Switzerland, died 1699 Bern, Diemtigen, Switzerland, 82 or 83 years == Biography =="Wampfler is a very old name. (It) comes from the Simmental, Bernese uplands (Berner Oberland). There is a little village today in the Diemtigtal (a little valley b(e)side the Simmental) This village is named Wampflen. Today (there is) an old mill and a beautiful house . The meaning of the word Wampfler is today clearly. Wampflen means 'among the Wandfluh'. The residents lived below a steep rock face. Wandfluh then changed to Wampflen and then to Wampfler."The Wampfler/Wampler Family Name: Then and Now: [http://wf-page.net/FAMILY-SITE/surname.html Wampler Surname] Hans Jacob Wampler (Wampfler) was born in 1616 Zwischenfluh, SwitzerlandMy Family Search: [http://www.myfamilysearch.net/getperson.php?personID=I2005&tree=2005217a Hans Wampfler] "Wampler Family History 1500s - 1700s," by Fred B. Wampler, Ph.D., p. 25: "Hans Wampfler was born in Zwischenflüh, Switzerland. Because of insufficient data that has survived the centuries, there is some uncertainty with regards to his parents and his birthday. Careful examination of the church books for Diemtigen would lead one to postulate that Hans was christened November 10, 1616 and was the son of Heinrich and Verena (Herren) Wampfler. His marriage is recorded in the 'Eherodel Diemtigen 1619-1659' (Church Records of Diemtigen) and the translation follows: 'Year 1647, 15 October, Hans Wampfler, Madlena Knutti.'"Wampler Family History 1500s - 1700s," by Fred B. Wampler, Ph.D., p. 25 === Name ===: Name: Hans Wampler Author: Betty Gray, Compiler: Betty Gray Title: Gray.FTW Date of Import: Jan 26, 2004 === Birth === : Birth: :: Date: 10 NOV 1616 :: Place: Zwischenfluh, Switzerlandr : Father: [[Wampfler-19 Heinrich Wampler]] : Mother: [[Herren-22 Verena Herren]] : Child: [[Wampler-85 Hans Wampler]] : Marriage: :: Date: ABT 1615 === Marriage === :Husband: Hans Jacob Wampfler :Wife: Magdalena (Madlena) Knutti :Children: :Hans, 7 Jul 1651. :Hans (Johannes), 7 Oct 1660. :S359]] Page: Source number: 287.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: WW1Source: [[S362]] Page: Source number: 16252.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: WAYSource: [[S376]] Page: Source number: 16253.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: WAYSource: [[R1]] NOTEThis information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. * Repository: R1 Name: Ancestry.com Address: http://www.Ancestry.com E-Mail Address: Phone Number: * Source: S359 Author: Yates Publishing Title: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Publication: Name: Ancestry.com Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2004; Repository: [[R1]] === Acknowledgments === Thank you to [[Heindel-9 Lee Heindel]] for creating WikiTree profile Wampfler-18 through the import of Wildasin_2013-07-16.ged on Jul 16, 2013. Click to the Changes page for the details of edits by Lee and others. Married 15 Oct 1647 Diemtigen, Bern Canton, Switzerland (41 years married) to: ![]() Married name: Wampler, also known as: Aegler, born 1618 Diemtigen, Bern, Switzerland, died 16 Oct 1688 Diemtigen,Bern,,Switzerland, 69 or 70 years, 1st marriage to: Hans Jacob Wampler, 2nd marriage to: Jacob Aegler == Biography == === Name ===: Name: Magdalena /Knutti/Source: [[S361]] Page: Source number: 92.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: ENSSource: [[S2]] Page: Ancestry Family TreeSource: [[S120]] Page: Date of Import: Jan 26, 2004 :: 04 Nov 1621 Alternate dob. --------------------------------------------------- : Birth: 04 NOV 1621 Diemtigen, Canton, Bern, SwitzerlandSource: [[S363]] Page: Source number: 94.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: ENSSource: [[S362]] Page: Source number: 16252.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: WAYSource: [[S120]] == Sources == === Acknowledgments ===This profile was created through the import of AMYFAMILYTREE_2012-05-17.ged on May 18, 2012 by [[Gray-3306 Amy Bazar]]. Thank you to [[Heindel-9 Lee Heindel]] for creating this profile through the import of Wildasin_2013-07-16.ged on Jul 16, 2013. This profile was created by * Micah Dobson, Apr 21, 2013 Dobson-1233 Micah Dobson]] See the [http://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Special:NetworkFeed&who=Knutti-41 Changes page] for the details of edits by Amy and others. Children: 1. ![]() Also known as: Wampler, born 3 Dec 1654 Zwischenfluh, Switzerland, died 29 Jan 1715 Sparsbach,,,Switzerland, 60 years == Biography == Name Variations: Wampler, Wampfler Confusion over Alsace: France or Germany explained below Wampler Family History 1500s - 1700s," by Fred B. Wampler, Ph.D., pp. 56-57 contains the following geographical information on Alsace: "No place in Europe has been subjected to more boundary changes than Alsace (in German this region is called Elsass). Today Alsace is part of France. It has changed hands between Germany and France many times. The culture of Alsace is German. Although it is part of France today, German is stll spoken freely in the smaller vallages... Alsace consists of the departments [states] of Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin...Wampler Family History 1500s - 1700s," by Fred B. Wampler, Ph.D., pp. 56-57 === Name ===: Name: Christian WamplerAuthor: Betty Gray, Compiler: Betty Gray Title: Gray.FTW Date of Import: Jan 26, 2004 === Birth === : Birth Date: 03 DEC 1654 : Place: Zwischenfluh, Switzerland :Christening Date: 3 Dec 1654 :Birth Place: Diemtigen, Bern, SwitzerlandFamily Search: [http://www.myfamilysearch.net/getperson.php?personID=I2004&tree=2005217a Christien Wampfler] "1654, 3 December, a child christened named Christen, parents are Hans Wampfler and Madlena Knutti. Witnesses: Anna Clossner (Klossner), Jacob Widmer, Petter Agistein - Enetchirell (= Peter's place of residence)."Wampler, Fred, p.26-27 "Wampler Family History 1500s - 1700s," by Fred B. Wampler, Ph.D., p. 4 discusses the Diemtigal (Diemtig Valley) . Diemtigtal consists of several places: Diemtigen, Wampflen, Zwischenflüh - each of which are within walking distance of the other. The church that served these hamlets was at Diemtigen (the old church our ancestors attended was in the exact same location as the new church of which the book contains a photo.) For the earliest eras that we have written records, Zwischenflüh was the principal home of our Wampfler ancestors. The church records of Diemtigen which church included all of Diemtigtal."Wampler Family History 1500s - 1700s," by Fred B. Wampler, Ph.D., p. 4 === Marriage === : Husband: [[Wampler-84 Christian Wampler]] : Wife: [[Gruner-20 Magdalena Gruner]] : Child: [[Wampler-80 Johannes Wampler]] : Child: [[Wampler-81 Anna Magdalena Wampler]] : Child: [[Wampler-83 Hans Peter Wampler]] : Child: [[Wampler-79 Michael Wampler]] : Child: [[Wampler-65 David Wampler]] : Child: [[Wampler-66 Jacob Wampler]] : Child: [[Wampler-74 Johann Christian Wampler]] : Marriage Date: ABT 1684 === Death === : Death: : Place: Sparsbach, Alsace or Switzerland : Death Date: 29 JAN 1714/15 : Place: Switzerland Death mentioned in book, "Wampler Family History 1500s - 1700s," by Fred B. Wampler, Ph.D., p. 63, Marriage Records for Diedendorf in Alsace: "1715, On May 14 were joined together (in holy matrimony) Johann Christian Wampfler, linen weaver of Sparsbach leg. son of the deceased Christian Wampfler former citizen of the same place (and) the maiden Anna: legitimate daughter of Jacob Trittten seigneurial servant at Herbitzheim." == Sources == === Name ===: Name: Johann Christian /WAMPFLER/Source: [[S2]] Page: Ancestry Family Tree === Birth === : Birth: :: Date: 03 DEC 1654:: Place: christening in Diemtigen, names parents and witnesses Anna Klossner, Jacob Widmer, Peter Agistein/Diemtigen, Bern, SwitzerlandSource: [[S358]] Page: Source number: 133.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: ENSSource: [[S362]] Page: Source number: 16252.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: WAYSource: [[R1]] NOTEThis information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. * Repository: R1 Name: Ancestry.com Address: http://www.Ancestry.com E-Mail Address: Phone Number: * Source: S358 Author: Yates Publishing Title: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Publication: Name: Ancestry.com Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2004; Repository: [[R1]] * Source: S362 Author: Yates Publishing Title: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Publication: Name: Ancestry.com Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2004; Repository: [[R1]] === Acknowedgements=== * WikiTree profile Wampfler-2 created by [[Rhodes-899 Tom Rhodes]]. * WikiTree profile Wampfler-8 created Smith-29517 Dale Smith]]. * WikiTree profile Wampler-84 created by [[Gray-3306 Amy Bazar]]. * Thank you to [[Heindel-9 Lee Heindel]] for creating WikiTree profile Wampfler-21. Click to the Changes page for the details of edits by Lee and others. 2. ![]() Born 18 Feb 1647 Diemtigen, Bern, Switzerland, died 5 Feb 1723 Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 75 years == Biography == === Peter Wampfler 1647 === Birth: Feb 18 1647 Bern, Bern, Switzerland Death: Feb 5 1723 Zwischenflueh, Bern, Switzerland Parents: :Hans Jacob Wampfler 1616 - 1714 :Anna Magdalena Wampfler (born Knütti) 1618 - 1688 Siblings: :Hans Michael Wampfler 1651 - 1660 :Johann Wampfler 1654 - 1715 :Johann Christian Wampfler 1654 - 1730 :Jacob Wampfler 1668 - 1746 MyHeritage == Sources ==*https://www.myheritage.com/research/collection-1/myheritage-family-trees?itemId=242794131-1-501648&action=showRecord * Source: S2 Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.; Repository: [[R1]] * Source: S362 Author: Yates Publishing Title: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Publication: Name: Ancestry.com Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2004; Repository: [[S120]] Page: Date of Import: Jan 26, 2004 Imported only 18 FEB 1647 from Birth Date and marked as uncertain. === Death === : Death: :: Date: 05 FEB 1723/24Source: [[120]] Page: Date of Import: Jan 26, 2004 Imported only 05 FEB 1723 from Death Date and marked as uncertain. === Acknowledgments === * [[Heindel-9 Lee Heindel]] for creating WikiTree profile Wampfler-29 * Wampler-86 created by [[Gray-3306 Amy Bazar]]. See the Changes page] for the details of edits by Amy and others. * Source: S120 Author: Betty Gray, Compiler: Betty Gray Title: Gray.FTW 3. ![]() Also known as: Wampler, born 7 Jul 1651 Diemtigen, Bern, Switzerland, died 1734 Diemtigen, Bern, Switzerland, 82 or 83 years == Biography == Hans was the son of [[Wampler-85 Hans Wampler]] and [[Knutti-41 Anna Knutti]] He married first Barbara Klessnen He married second Katharina Waeffler on November 15, 1672 === Name ===: Name: Hans /Wampler/Source: [[S120]] Page: Date of Import: Jan 26, 2004 === Death === : Death: :: Date: BEF 1734Source: [[R1]] NOTEThis information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Repository: R1 Name: Ancestry.com Address: http://www.Ancestry.com E-Mail Address: Phone Number: Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/2:2:SG22-K6S : accessed 23 August 2018), entry for Johannes or Hans /WAMPFLER/, cites sources; file (2:2:2:MMS3-KR8) Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/2:2:9C49-316 : accessed 23 August 2018), entry for Hans WAMPFLER, cites sources; file (2:2:2:MM95-Y96), submitted 6 July 2002 by ndwalters3776004 [identity withheld for privacy]. Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/2:2:9CW1-SK8 : accessed 23 August 2018), entry for Hans WAMPFLER, cites sources; file (2:2:2:MM95-Y96), submitted 6 July 2002 by ndwalters3776004 [identity withheld for privacy]. Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/2:2:9CWT-X3S : accessed 23 August 2018), entry for Hans WAMPFLER, cites sources; file (2:2:2:MM95-Y96), submitted 6 July 2002 by ndwalters3776004 [identity withheld for privacy] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (TM) (July 1996 (c), data as of 2 January 1996) Family History Library : International Genealogical Index Family History Library : Ancestral File (TM) Family History Library : Ordinance Index (TM) Family History Library : WikiTree profile Wampler-77 created through the import of AMYFAMILYTREE_2012-05-17.ged on May 18, 2012 by [[Gray-3306 Amy Bazar]]. See the [http://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Special:NetworkFeed&who=Wampler-77 Changes page] for the details of edits by Amy and others. Source: S120 Author: Betty Gray, Compiler: Betty Gray Title: Gray.FTW 4. ![]() Born 7 Oct 1660 Diemtigen, Bern, Switzerland, died 24 Oct 1750 Diemtigen, Bern, Switzerland, 90 years == Biography == Johannes was the son of [[Wampler-85 Hans Wampler]] and [[Knutti-41 Anna Knutti]]. He married Barbara Klossner about 1699 They were the parents of: *Anna Wampfler *Christian Wampfler He married Anna Dritter about 1720 They were the parents of: *Anna Magdalena Wampler *Margaretha Wampler *Hans Adam Wampler *Johan Ludwig Wampler === Name ===: Name: Johannes /Wampler/Source: [[S120]] Page: Date of Import: Jan 26, 2004 === Death === : Death: :: Date: 24 OCT 1750Source: [[120]] Page: Date of Import: Jan 26, 2004 == Sources == Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/2:2:99DN-QQS : accessed 23 August 2018), entry for Johannes (Hans) WAMPFLER; file (2:2:2:MM9R-516), submitted 7 April 2000 by SharonNemanic1 [identity withheld for privacy]. Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/2:2:9C49-QQJ : accessed 23 August 2018), entry for Johannes (Hans) WAMPFLER, cites sources; file (2:2:2:MM95-Y96), submitted 6 July 2002 by ndwalters3776004 [identity withheld for privacy]. Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/2:2:9H65-6XH : accessed 23 August 2018), entry for Johannes Wampfler; file (2:2:2:MM9R-8CY), submitted 25 October 2003 by dleonard2769327 [identity withheld for privacy]. Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/2:2:9CZS-LFR : accessed 23 August 2018), entry for Johannes (Hans) Wampfler; file (2:2:2:MM9R-833), submitted 12 December 2002 by Margaret Ann Thompson [identity withheld for privacy]. Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/2:2:3Q81-CVS : accessed 23 August 2018), entry for Johannes Hans /Wampfler/; "Smith/Grider/Weil/Gilley" file (2:2:2:MMD8-G92), submitted 22 June 2014 by stewart52700 [identity withheld for privacy]. Ancestral File (TM) Family History Library : WikiTree profile Wampler-76 created through the import of AMYFAMILYTREE_2012-05-17.ged on May 18, 2012 by [[Gray-3306 Amy Bazar]]. See the [http://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Special:NetworkFeed&who=Wampler-76 Changes page] for the details of edits by Amy and others. Source: S120 Author: Betty Gray, Compiler: Betty Gray Title: Gray.FTW 5. ![]() Also known as: Wampler, born 29 Jul 1666 Diemtigen, Bern, Switzerland, died 1761 Switzerland, 94 or 95 years == Biography == === Anna Wampfler 1666 === Birth: July 29 1666 Diemtigen, Bern, Switzerland Death: 1761 Parents: Hans Jacob Wampfler 1616 - 1714 . . . .. . . Anna Magdalena Wampfler 1621 - 1688 Siblings: :Peter Wampfler 1649 - 1725 :Johann Christian Wampfler 1654 - 1715 :Hans Peter Wampfler 1651 - ? MyHeritage Note: no spouses that had her parents were found on MyHeritage. == Sources ==* https://www.myheritage.com/research/collection-1/myheritage-family-trees?itemId=126117601-4-503165&action=showRecord * Source: S2 Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.; Repository: [[R1]] * Source: S362 Author: Yates Publishing Title: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Publication: Name: Ancestry.com Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2004; Repository: [[S120]] Page: Date of Import: Jan 26, 2004 === Birth === : Birth: 29 JUL 1666 Switzerland Source: [[120]] Page: Date of Import: Jan 26, 2004 === Acknowledgments === * [[Heindel-9 Lee Heindel]] for creating WikiTree profile Wampfler-9. Click to the Changes page for the details of edits by Lee and others. * Wampler-75 created by [[Gray-3306 Amy Bazar]]. See the Changes page] for the details of edits by Amy and others. * Source: S120 Author: Betty Gray, Compiler: Betty Gray Title: Gray.FTW |